Backup and Disaster Recovery

Modern businesses manage and process large volumes of important data, vital to operations. The impact of data loss or corruption from hardware failure, human error, hacking or malware could threaten business suvival. A plan for data backup and restoration is crucial.

Backup and Recovery
Backup and Recovery
Enhanced Services included only with MSP II Package:

Onsite and Offsite Backup

Blue Network includes a robust backup solution with both onsite and offsite backups of essential business data. Data can be as good as gold, so keep it safe. Our new offsite system features privately owned and controlled cloud servers. Your data is fully encrypted and private.

Disaster Recovery Planning

Development of your IT disaster recovery plan begins by compiling an inventory of hardware, software and data. The plan includes a strategy to ensure that all critical information is not only backed up, but also restorable through periodic testing.

Disaster Recovery Planning